Cabb-in offer

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Double in kleur School
Double Exterieur in kleur School Double Exterieur in kleur Midnight Double Exterieur in kleur Babouche Double Exterieur in kleur Steen Grijs Double Exterieur in kleur Karmozijn Rood Double Interieur in kleur School Double Interieur in kleur Midnight Double Interieur in kleur Babouche Double Interieur in kleur Steen Grijs Double Interieur in kleur Karmozijn Rood


  • School White
  • Midnight Black
  • Colombia Brown
  • Stone Grey
  • Incarnadine Red


  • School White
  • Midnight Black
  • Colombia Brown
  • Stone Grey
  • Incarnadine Red
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Double way to work

Cabb-In's Double quiet booth offers a unique work environment where you can work together or individually, hold meetings, or even give a presentation. With its sleek design and glass door, you stay connected to your surroundings while noise and ambient sounds are attenuated up to 25 dB. This quiet booth is designed for long-term use for 2 people as a work or consultation space, but can also be used by 4 people for a short duration.

In addition, by means of the dimmer, you choose your own appropriate ambiance. Lighting is provided by tilting spotlights, while quiet fans ensure a comfortable climate. The Cabb-In has dimensions of about H 225cm x W 217cm x D 106cm and weighs about 350 kilograms. A power outlet and USB port is also available to keep your devices charged. The Double silence booth is custom made, allowing you to incorporate your corporate identity and logo for a professional look. In short, the Double silence booth is an acoustic workspace with the immersive feel of a train ride.


Experiencing together and staying connected.

Sound insulation

A unique soundproof cabin with only 3.6 cm of sound insulation


The wireless dimmer makes it easy to set the working atmosphere


Four quiet fans ensure a pleasant climate as well


Four tiltable spotlights give you individual lighting


The Cabb-In also has low energy consumption

LED strips

And the LED strips above and below the seat further create an atmospheric environment


And you never run out of power with both a wall socket and a USB -A and USB-C connection

Soft interior

What's more, we'll give you a helping hand as you lean against the wall

Build-in desk

Finally, the organic shapes also ensure that no space is wasted

Discover the power of SMRTCOMB™

The core structure of Cabb-In silent booths is composed of SMRTCOMB, an integral system based on lightweight aluminum honeycomb panels. This innovative system simplifies construction by taking an all-in-one Plug & Play approach, rather than stacking different layers. This creates a flexible and durable base that can be easily adapted to changing needs. SMRTCOMB not only ensures cost efficiency, but also provides a solution that is multifunctional, adaptable and environmentally friendly.

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Produced entirely in the Netherlands

100% recyclable materials

  • Logo | MR MARVIS

    "When I need to concentrate deeply and don't want to be distracted for a while, I often book a slot in the Cabb-In at our office. In this focus bubble, I can then close myself off from the world around me for a while and focus full attention on my work."

    - Jules, mr. Marvis Amsterdam

  • Logo | No Tomato

    “With the Cabb-In, I can call and Teamen quietly without taking my colleagues out of their concentration. The Cabb-In is also very comfortable during conversations. For example, you can lean or sit, light and oxygen is adjustable, and there is an electrical outlet. The fact that the cabin also looks nice is the icing on the cake.”

    - Petra van Stallen-Lommers, Account Director NO TOMATO

  • Logo | MR MARVIS

    "In a lively office like ours, it's nice to have a place from time to time where you can do a video meeting - without background noise - or have a 1-on-1 conversation. In that, Cabb-In provides the perfect solution."

    - Veronique, mr. Marvis Amsterdam

  • Logo | Yooker

    "Where noises and distractions are always lurking, the Cabb-in provides the perfect solution. We are very happy with this cubicle. It allows us to sit down somewhere else to make quiet calls, hold online meetings or just work in peace. With us, the Cabb-in is in a very nice place. It is in a central area. Because of this, everyone can see it, including customers. This is not a disaster at all; its chic appearance makes it an accessory at our office. In short, the Cabb-in is the ideal space to work or make phone calls in peace without being disturbed by ambient noise."

    - Romy Goorman, Project manager bij Yooker Webdesign